Compassionate care for children in crisis
Who We Serve

686,000 Children in the US are abused and neglected
every year.

Almost 10% (66,398) of the national average is in
Texas—9,116 are in the Houston area— 5,670 of them are in foster care.


Compassion is the heart of the hope we offer. The harsh statistics are not of faceless, nameless children. These are children that Jesus loves. They come from various economic backgrounds, ethnicities and ages. Some are abandoned, most are severely neglected. Some are emotionally challenged, some have special medical needs.

But all are special. Out of compassion, we are moved to action. Through loving care, we become the hands of hope to these children in crisis by training families and equipping the church for foster care and adoption. Homes with Hope is a unique agency that believes community is the key to supporting and serving our children, our families and the church.

Serving children

Out of compassion for children in crisis, we are moved to action. We believe that the Lord demonstrates his heart for these children through our practical expressions of love.

Foster care

A family opens its heart and home to a child for a temporary length of time. Our foster families rescue and care for children by providing shelter, safety and a loving home to meet their immediate needs. Lives are changed as families expand themselves outward to include others.


A family provides permanency when it opens its heart and home to a child for a lifetime. Our adoptive families care for children by embracing them as their own therefore creating an earthly example of a heavenly reality.

Serving families

When a family decides to care for a child, it presents unique challenges. Homes with Hope supports families by providing practical help through education, training, mentoring, social gatherings and respite care.

Community care

The physical and emotional needs of a child in crisis are often beyond the scope of a family’s experience. Homes with Hope offers staff with over 30 years of experience and the resources to equip our families to care for these children. Not only will participating families benefit from these services, they also experience friendship and support from other families sharing common values and goals. Together, as a community, we purpose to encourage and support each family.

Serving the Church

Homes with Hope exists because of the church and for the church. We began in the Vineyard Church of Houston and desire to always stay connected to a local body of believers.


Central to our mission is our passion to challenge the church to reach out in compassionate care. This is how God wants us to live. Because scripture encourages us to “act justly” and “love mercy”, we provide opportunities for believers to serve in real ways that transform lives.

He has told you,O man, what is good;
And what does the LORD require of you
But to do justice, to love kindness,
And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8 NASB

Homes with Hope
P.O. Box 70146
Houston, Texas 77270
PH    713-864-1885
FX     713-583-5058


©2003-2025 Homes with Hope, a non-profit organization.
In affiliation with Houston Vineyard Church. All rights reserved.