Compassionate care for children in crisis
Our History & The Vineyard Church of Houston

The foundations for Homes with Hope were laid in the summer of 1995 when a group of adult and teenage volunteers from The Vineyard Church of Houston began weekly visits to a local CPS emergency shelter for teenage girls. The friendships that resulted fostered an on-going relationship that lasted for several years and continues on today. Throughout the years, many of the girls from the shelter became involved in the church community, and their physical and emotional needs became more evident.

In February of 1999, the shelter closed. Within six months another emergency shelter, which served children ranging in ages from birth to 13 years, approached the church about providing similar support. The second shelter received continuous support for the next three years.

After more than 7 years of volunteer service to both shelters, a desire to do something more to help these children became evident. A vision was born for a means of providing a new kind of support, an entire community taking responsibility for the children and providing support for the foster families who care for them. That became the foundation for Homes with Hope.

As a truly grassroots organization, in 2003, Homes with Hope became a state licensed Child-Placing Agency for children in foster care.  In 2004 our office opened and in 2006 we became an adoption agency.  We continue to office out of The Vineyard Church of Houston and provide services for families in other local Vineyard Churches as well as families from the larger church community in our city.

We consider it an honor to serve the Lord in this way and we are blessed to provide quality Christian homes for these children, support the families who care for them and equip the church to participate in a proactive solution to the abuse, neglect and abandonment of children at risk in our city.

Shelter Parachute
Shelter ministry outing

The Vineyard Church of Houston
The Vineyard Church of Houston

Homes with Hope
P.O. Box 70146
Houston, Texas 77270
PH    713-864-1885
FX     713-583-5058


©2003-2025 Homes with Hope, a non-profit organization.
In affiliation with Houston Vineyard Church. All rights reserved.